Tuesday, February 26, 2008

First post. Good day.

I woke up a while ago with the idea of translating Japanese songs so that I can improve my Japanese language reading and understanding skills, and my decaying and atrophying writing and communication skills. So, that's what I'm going to do. We'll see how long I can sustain this blog. Feel free to send me any requests you may have and I'll try to translate them, provided that I can get my hands on a copy of the song's lyrics. Should I have made mistakes and corrections are needed, I will greatly appreciate it if I would be contacted and alerted of these.

Once again, good day.

ついさっきおきましたとイデアがありました,日本語歌を英語に訳します, 私の日本語の読むスキルとわかるスキルと私の萎靡すると委縮するな書くスキルと疎通するスキルの手を上がりたいですから。それから、それはやります。このブログのどこまでできるやって見ます。自由にリクエストを届けてください、歌詞が見つければ、 私は訳してやって見て。ミスがあればと是正が必要、私を連絡してください。それでありがとう。


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